One day, my mother came into the room and asked, “The weather is very nice today, why don’t you go out?” Actually, my mother said this because she was cleaning. She wanted us out. My brother immediately jumped out and shouted, “LET’S GO TO THE PARK!” My sister ran to her room because she didn’t want to go out.

One month ago, I was walking around the park and saw something shining. I went and looked at it. I realized that it was a ring. I saw a note in it “Make three wishes and they will come true” It was very interesting because it was just like Aladdin’s story. Then I made a wish “Please, I want to get good marks on my exams.”

While I was walking in the park, I saw a yellow thing. First, I thought it was rubbish. But when I came closer, it became so shiny. I went closer to pick it up. Soon, I picked it up. It was a ring! There was an interesting script in it. I tried to read it, but I didn’t understand it. I wore it and a voice said: “You have three wishes. They will come true.

One day while I was walking in the park, I saw something. It was shining. When I went there, I saw a ring. Suddenly, it flew and jumped on my finger. I put on the ring. Something amazing happened. The ring created a gateway, and I went into it. I went to a different place in the same park through the gateway.

If I had the chance to have a chat with a person from the past I would speak to our prophet. Because he was a wonderful person. And my first question would be about “Miraj”. I would ask him: “Could you speak to Allah on that night?” “How did you feel that night? Was is frightening or exciting?”

If I had the chance to talk someone from the past, I would talk to my grandpa. I would tell him that my grandma is still alive and how much his grandchildren had grown. He would be very happy if he knew that my grandma was alive.

Do pets sleep at night? If not, what do they do? Here comes a story which can be answer. A naughty puppy woke up while its owners were at sleep. First, it went to the kitchen. Little puppy, tried to find some food. The puppy was smart, so it tried not to make noise.

Hi, my name is Alice. I'm 12 years old. I have a puppy. Her name is Candy. She is one year old. We have a great time with her. We were very tired at the end of an evening of playing games with Candy. So, we wanted to sleep. Candy slept first that’s what we thought. Then we all fell asleep.

Once upon a time, there was a cute dinosaur living in the forest. This dinosaur lives with his parents. He likes walking around the fields, collecting flowers and eating fruits from the trees. However, this cute dinosaur has a problem; he doesn’t have any friends. Because this cute dinosaur is bigger than other animals living in the forest.

There was a green and big dinosaur a long time ago. This dinosaur was so happy. One day the dinosaur saw that there was a huge meteor coming to the earth. So dinosaur somehow stopped the meteor. The meteor was so cool so the dinosaur took it home.

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