My name is Cemal and I want to talk about my craziest experience. It all started with the sounds coming from under my bed. I was just a kid and I was hearing growls all week and I couldn’t get any sleep. On the second week, there were eyes that disappeared when I looked at them so I decided to tell my parents but they didn’t believe me so I went to bed to sleep and I woke up with a nightmare.

I saw a black, huge, hairy monster looking at me I started to shout but it grabbed my face and said “Be quiet I’m not going to hurt you I just need your help.“ The monster had an unusually high pitched voice which seemed strange so I asked “Is this a dream?” and he answered “No I’m real. You can see me because you have a rare ability. You are special. Other people can neither see me nor hear me which makes you the only one who can help me. If you help me I will help you in your entire life. And my name is Abuziddin by the way.”
I asked “How can I help you?”
He said: “There are very bad people after me.”
“People like what?”
“People who collect unnatural objects and beings like me.”
“How? I thought, I was the only one who can see you.”
“There are a few like you but these people are using special masks.”
“Who are these people?”
“The name of their organization is S.C.P. They capture us and run tests on us I was captured, too. But I escaped that’s why I need your help.”
“So, what do you want me to do?
“You must adopt me.”
“And you say that’s it.”
“Yes, but there is one important thing I’m vegan.”
Now I’m a 23 years old adult and Abuziddin has been by my side ever since. Many doctors have diagnosed me schizophrenia but that will never stop me from believing in my best friend Abuziddin.
Erdinç Emre SEVEN-7th HUNTERS

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