Hello guys, today I will share with you one of an injury I had. When I was eight or nine years old, I was at my school. We were in PE lesson. The bell rang and it was breaktime. We started racing but when I fell, the race was finished.

Good news, I came second. Bad news, I hurt my leg too much. I thought, I didn't break my leg, so I didn't go to the nurse’s office. Three days later, my leg disturbed me so much that we went to the doctor. I didn't want to go there because there is an x-ray, and I didn't want to take it. When we went to the hospital, they said to me “How did it happen?” I told them everything; how it happened in a detailed way. Then they said we will check it on an x-ray. I went into it then I heard a sound like “zzz”. It was so disturbing. A few minutes later the door was opened, and it was over. The doctor said: “Your leg is good but there is a little crack. I had a little sad face, but I was happy that it was not broken, and I understood that injures are so bad. I thank to Allah for my legs.

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