I am 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9... It goes likes this and I am in my mid 25 now I need to make my job. I am an astronaut!
My job is very hard because of wearing an astronaut outfit and an astronout cap. Today it’s my duty to go to the other universe. I am not a Professional astronaut.

A little duckling was very sad because he thought he was the ugliest among all his brothers and sisters.They would not play with him and teased the poor ugly duckling. One day,he saw his reflection in the water and cried, “Nobody likes me.I am so ugly.”

Once upon a time there was a kingdom. The name of this kingdom’s princess was Ariel. Everyone was so unhappy in this kingdom except for the princess. The princess was always very happy and never sad.

Once upon a time, there was a country. Some people in this country were given the right to make a wish on their birthday. However, this is not a normal right to wish, anyone can make any wishes on their birthday.

One day a dwarf was going to the forest because it must find food for lunch. He couldn’t find anything. First it was shocked because it could always find some food from this forest. It walked walked and walked. It saw a Giant and was shocked. Giant saw it too,

What? Why I am flying in, in a room? Where am I? Is this a dream? Oh it must be is he? Elon Musk! In the space shuttle me and other countries people are going to...Where? Are those stars!'-Biip all the astronauts come to the main hall biiip'.

Hi guys! Today I am going to tell my most interesting memory. As you know I love learning new languages. Maybe one day, I want to learn Chinese. To be honest I haven't started yet. But It is one of my plans. Let's get back to our topic.

Hi everyone! Today I want to tell you a funny and interesting event that I experienced last year. Last year, we decided to go on a boat tour with our guide as a group. Our dream was to travel to many countries and it would take a little long time.

Topic of the week: Think that you opened your eyes in an unknown country. You don’t know the language that is spoken there, they don’t know yours either. What have you seen, what has happened since you were there. Give all the details…
How did you get in touch with people, what is this country like etc..

Topic of the week: Think that you opened your eyes in an unknown country. You don’t know the language that is spoken there, they don’t know yours either. What have you seen, what has happened since you were there.

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